Creative clarity: a guided meditation for writers.

Hypnosis can be incredibly powerful (and effective!) when you want to change a specific belief or behaviour. Writers are particularly good at this, because we are so familiar with the creative unconscious — the place where ideas grow, scenes are written, and hypnotic suggestions take effect.
I use a variety of hypnotic techniques with the writers I work with, and I especially love writing and recording specific, outcome-based meditations. Through this work, I’ve discovered a whole new appreciation for guided audio meditations.
I created this guided meditation especially for writers. It uses visualization to balance your energy and your intellect, and positive affirmations to clarify and stabilize your thoughts. If you’d like to hear a calm, familiar voice in your ears as you meditate before writing, you might enjoy this.
Creative Clarity: a guided meditation for writers
You can listen to it before you start writing, especially if you’re feeling stuck or resistant. You could also listen at the end of your day, before you go to bed, and let your clear and renewed mindset inspire a dream-filled sleep.
There is some gentle ambient music layered under my voice. Listen with headphones for the best effect.
I hope this meditation brings you clarity, and a feeling of a fresh start whenever you need it.
If you enjoy this recording, please leave a comment or send me an email to let me know how it has helped you. I’d love to make more of these, if they’re beneficial, and there’s interest. You are welcome to share this page with a friend.
And if there’s a specific topic you’d like me to make a guided meditation about in the future, please leave a comment below, and let me know.
Photo credit (top): Mathew Schwartz on Unsplash.
This is lovely. So calming and clarifying. Thanks for such a delightful gift! Yes, more please. 😊💕
Thank you, Kathy! I'm so glad you liked it.
This is a lovely and genuinely uplifting meditation. Thank you! I love how you spoke of the gifts of each (chakra) circle, and it is nice to see the full color of the spectrum in these centers. I also loved how you started with the centering and "feeling just a little more room between the vertebrae". I offer you what I start with, which is letting go of the urge to control, by focusing on the breath, and how the lungs know what to do, we don't have to think about breathing. The air is a gift, and our lungs work to meet the body's needs without our conscious control. The heart also has a rhythm created of work and rest, systole and diastole. We have just enough rest to let the heart recover from the work of a heartbeat, and to allow it to keep beating for a lifetime. We do not have to force our hearts to beat. Thanks for a very lovely meditation!
Sarah, thank you for this wonderful gift! I've listened to it twice now. I love the combination of visualization and positive affirmations. You have the perfect voice for doing guided meditations too! Yes, please make more :)
What a lovely meditation! Thank you.
Thank you Alison! <3
Lovely, just what I needed to get settled into my writing tonight.
I hope it was an easeful and inspired writing session, Lee!
I decided to try this before I start copyediting this morning. I'm not technically writing, per se, but I felt like it would be a good way to ground myself and also call in my creativity and calm as I work to clarify and polish someone else's writing. It was a beautiful way to start my session, and I noticed that for the first time in ages, I sat perfectly still throughout the whole thing and was able to progressively visualize better as it went on. I also noticed how each chakra point felt—my throat feels blocked and that was an eye-opener. I really loved this and want to start my work sessions with it every day. You're very good at this (your voice, pace, word choice), and I'm really grateful. Thank you, Sarah. xo
Thank you, Steph! I loved hearing how you used it, and the outcome you describe for your copyediting session. So interesting what you noticed about your throat -- such an important one for writers (voice). I am grateful for your feedback. <3
Thank you for this, Sarah. I am about to start revisions and am feeling very anxious and scattered. This has helped me to get grounded and focused. I would like to share with my writing group.
This was just what I needed. Thank you so much for creating and sharing this meditation with us. :)
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