What to do if you haven’t written for a long, long time.

I received the following question from a subscriber. I asked him if I could share it with you, and he graciously agreed.
Dear Sarah,
I’ve always enjoyed writing, not just creatively. As an introvert, it’s enabled me to communicate more readily. However, I haven’t written anything creatively for quite a few years now. I’m concerned that I’ve squandered my passion, and lost the knowledge for creative writing indelibly.
In your professional opinion, Sarah, have I lost my edge? If so, how can I get it back?
Learning takes place at an unconscious level, so what you’ve already learned about creative writing is still there.
You just have to bring it back into your conscious mind, to remind yourself that you have this knowledge.
You can do this right away, as soon as you start to write again.
Writing begets writing.
The best way to find your passion for creative writing is to write creatively.
I know.
This is just one of those things you have to go through. Make space for a slow start. Take it easy.
Be good to yourself as you start writing again. Treat yourself like a sweet, sweet creature, worthy of patience.
As you write those first awkward sentences, look at them with gentleness.
If any thoughts come up about lost time, acknowledge them, and then continue writing.
These things will help you reconnect to your writing life:
▪ Listen to a guided meditation for writers, like this one.
▪ Take a one-week break from streaming TV shows and podcasts. Your creative mind needs some white space to fill.
▪ Journal by hand for ten minutes in the morning, before you read the news, before you check email. Start with the prompt, “I want to write about…”
▪ Read the freewriting classic Writing Down the Bones, by Natalie Goldberg.
▪ Make time for wondering walks. Do not pick a destination or goal - just walk with an open mind.
▪ Join a supportive and non-competitive writing group, like this one.
If you are reading this right now and you’re afraid that too many years have passed for you, that you’ve missed your writing window, please take heart. There are no writing windows that you have to squish yourself through. There are no walls, in fact.
Your creative mind is right here, right now. You can always access it.
Many excellent and fulfilling writing careers grow along non-linear paths.
The very fact that you’re reading this shows you that you’re still in a relationship to your writing. You might be out of touch, or even estranged from each other. Yes, that’s painful. But you can absolutely repair the relationship. Start simply, using one of the suggestions above.
If you are ready to seriously reconnect with your writing, consider giving yourself the Story Course. This self-paced program reconnects you to your writing, your creativity, and your love of language.
Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. If you purchase something using one of these links, I may earn a commission. I only recommend books or products I trust.
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