Are you Pointy With Intellect?


Influence has an important role in your writing. As you understand and work with different styles and influences, you’ll learn how to find your own voice.

This is part eight of a 10-part series on style and voice. Writers in the Story Course and the Story Intensive can determine their writing style by taking the Style Diagnosis Quiz. This is a tool to help you highlight elements of style in your own work and point you to authors who may inspire you right now.

Read the rest of the Style Diagnosis series here: — BookishDeeper Than You ThinkFearlessGrounded FantasistStylistQuirky but SeriousIntimate OratorVisceralistMinimalist — Pointy With Intellect (below)

Are you Pointy With Intellect?

You are not afraid of the sentence and all that it can do for you. You may catch yourself wondering things like, “Can I use a semi-colon in dialogue?”

Minimalization is for cowards, you say, as you add another page of footnotes and a glossary to your story. Meanwhile, you are trying to keep one compound sentence aloft for as many pages as you can.

Sure, sometimes people need to consult a dictionary when they read your work. But you pride yourself on your vocabulary.

Part of the reason you love being a writer is because you get to use words that no one else can.

Read the following books to learn about other Pointy With Intellect writers:

Please leave your suggestions for other Pointy With Intellect writers in the comments below.


Photo credit (top): gdtography on Pexels

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Masudi Salami

Even a to be writer knows and admires the quality contents of a master piece by a master writer. Happy to be in your writing community.
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