A calm mind is a creative mind.

galaxies at night

The first step to a calm mind is to make time to notice where you are.

Do this right now: take a deep breath in, let it out, and feel the bottoms of your feet where they touch the floor. Look around you. Turn away from the screen, and notice three things that share the space you’re in, physically.

Notice these things as if you’re seeing them for the first time. Pay attention to the details of their colour, shape, volume and texture.

Now, your mind is ready to create.

Can you feel the difference?

This is the state of mind that invites curiosity. Start writing from here.

It’s also a very good state of mind to be in when you’re starting a new day, setting an intention, making a birthday wish, and/or starting a new strategy.

It’s not a complex practice: before you do the thing, pause, breathe, and notice. It’s simple to do, but it can be hard to remember to do it.

It’s worth the time it takes to make it a habit, so you don’t even have to think about doing it.

Photo credit (top): Macro Mons on Unsplash.

In Memoriam: Darrel J. McLeod
How do you make big creative decisions?


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