Your laptop in the shade: summer reading + browsing.

summer reading

I sincerely hope you’re having a gorgeous summer. This month, my "one short story for breakfast" ritual has turned into a two- or three-hour timeout – I’m reading for pure pleasure, escapism and inspiration.

What I've loved so far:

Bobcat by Rebecca Lee. Full disclosure: so at the time of writing this, I’ve only read the first two stories. But I can tell you that I haven’t been so excited by a collection of short stories since… I don’t even remember! If the other five stories are as good as the first two…

The Magicians by Lev Grossman. It's fantasy – an homage to The Chronicles of Narnia, really. It's a much more thought-provoking read than I expected. And when I got to the part with the big talking ram (Grossman's version of Aslan), I'll admit that it brought tears to my eyes.

If you haven't already read it, please take time to read George Saunders's advice to graduates – delivered to the class of 2013 at Syracuse University.

I love Zadie Smith's ten rules for writers (from the Guardian) because they're just so blunt.

Ólafur Arnalds. Blissful writing and reading music. I have it on repeat… forever.

Write Within Yourself by William Kenower. I picked up this book in Seattle last month on a whim. It’s a collection of short essays on writing – the kind you like to keep on your desk for reassurance while you’re at work. Lovely stuff.

Happy summer reading and writing!


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Margaret Atwood in my living room.
In the Spotlight: Kristin Offiler

1 comment


Thank you for the Olafur Arnalds suggestion. Beautiful. So happy to hear that The Story Intensive is filling up. Lucky ducks, this will change everything. It did for me. ox Cecilia
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