Margaret Atwood in my living room.
Remember my trip to San Miguel de Allende last year? Well, something else happened that week that I couldn't tell you until now, because I couldn't believe it was really happening and, well, I didn't want to jinx it.
Last year, Margaret Atwood and I started to collaborate on something for the Story Intensive. No, really.
After we met in Mexico, we knew we wanted to make something together. But what was the best thing to make? What would it look like? We threw a lot of ideas back and forth. We wanted to make something practical, intelligent, and positive. We wanted it to be accessible and digital, but very very special.
This spring, we finally finished our project.
Introducing: a rare Master Class with Margaret Atwood.
This is a side of Margaret Atwood you haven't seen before. This is Margaret in her hoodie, talking with me over coffee, in my living room, about how to go about writing a novel (especially if you've only written short stories up to now). Here's a little trailer we made to give you a sense of what the class feels like.
I just watched the whole class again from start to finish and all I can say is: wow. Oh my god, it's so good. I've seen it several times now, and I just keep learning from it. I take notes when I watch it.
Here's what we're going to do with the class: we're giving it to all Story Intensive students this fall.
The Story Intensive is a semester-long writing workshop, with small classes, deadlines, and individual feedback on your work. It's based on (and includes) the full Story Course program.
Go here to read more about The Story Intensive, what's included, how it works, and see if it's right for you.
Here's to your writing this fall!
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