What happens when we lose touch with the magic of writing.
Yesterday, I got to spend the day with my 9-year old goddaughter. She showed me her sketchbook, her stories and magical inventions, and she told me about all the books she’s reading. I think she might be a writer!
I don’t teach writing to children, because there are wonderful teachers out there who are brilliant with kids, and I know it’s not my strength.
But sometimes, when writers become adults, we lose touch with the magic that made us feel alive on the page when we were young. We know we have to get out of your own way, but how?
We stop writing entirely, and yearn for it in our life again.
Or we get caught up in being a good writer, and try to negotiate everything that might mean… ugh. So we lose our joy, even when we are writing!
This is why I love teaching grown-up kids who used to write. I actually know what to teach you to do that will break that spell.
I know how to help. Over the past few weeks, I’ve received a lot of emails like this:
I can’t make it through The Story Course on my own yet.
I’m probably not ready for The Story Intensive.
I love your newsletter, but I’m too much of a beginner to sign up for one of your programs.
I need help finishing my novel/memoir/play, but I’m not sure if The Story Intensive can help me.
I’ve taken a lot of writing workshops over the years. What can The Story Intensive teach me that I don’t already know?
I want to take the Intensive, but I need to know the teacher will be right for me.
Is The Story Intensive really worth it?
To answer your questions, I created three special videos about The Story Intensive. If you’d like to speak with me personally, please book a time for a 10-minute phone call during my office hours. I’d love to chat.
Am I ready for The Story Intensive?
Why can I learn from yet another writing program?
Why are your teachers different?
Registration closes on June 23, 2017.
ps. Here’s what a few past students have said about the Intensive:
"The Story Intensive far exceeded my expectations. This program is brilliant! It’s probably worth 3x as much as I paid for it (or more) and I am so grateful that I could learn as much as I did without having to enroll in an MFA program." — Anne Heaton
"Now ... I feel like I’m a writer. I can tell people I’m a writer. I understand what it means to be a writer. I just wrote the best story I’ve ever written in my life!" — Laurie McCulloch
“I had [The Story Course] in my inbox for a year, and The Intensive was the push I needed to actually DO it… The accountability of posting assignments and doing the work simultaneously was HUGE for me.” — Laura Gates
“Doing [The Story Course] in The Intensive showed me how to take off the blinders and write with abandon. I once heard a writer say that writers should be fearless when they write. At the time, I had no idea what she was talking about. Now I do.”— Ryan Wilkinson
“I absolutely would recommend this experience a million times over. I went through a 2-year MFA program and [The Story Intensive] was comparable in so many ways, and was also a major compliment to my previous writing studies. The lessons, the structure, the feedback, the accountability — it reminded me of an MFA program for a fraction of the price. And the work I created in this course is actually some of my best ever. I’m surprising myself with the things I’m writing (and giving myself permission to write surprising things), and that feels amazing.” — Kristin Offiler
[Note: The 2017 Story Intensive is now over. See our current offerings, here.]
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