10 ways your writing life can change.


Many writers come to me because they’re simply not writing anymore.

They want to write — they can’t think of anything they want more — but they’re not doing it.

Somehow, even though they know that not writing is much more painful than writing, they continue to resist.

Overcoming resistance is one of the reasons I created the Story Course.

When I look back on some of the feedback I’ve received from students, I see a pattern.

The Story Course helps students reconnect with, relearn, and reinvigorate their writing.

Today, I’m pleased to share 10 ways my students’ writing lives have changed.

  1. I haven’t written (creatively) in a long time, and I can’t figure out why. All of a sudden, just by being here, I’m starting to write again, and most importantly, I’m feeling excited about it. — Diane Fleming

  3. This beautiful, lovingly created, masterful program helped me connect deeply with my voice, restore my love of and relationship with writing, and understand the craft of writing in a nuanced, full bodied way. It’s the best gift I could have offered myself and my writing life. — Jill Goodacre 

  5. The Story Course was my lifeline back into writing after a long defeating dry spell a few years back. So, so happy I stumbled into such a supportive and vibrant community. — Lindsey Smith 

  7. The Story Course is for you if writing has become that friend you haven’t called for a while, that friend you love but don’t see nearly as often as you would like, that friend you have tea with every week but would love to know better. I am so glad that I took the risk and asked writing out for tea. — Cecelia Moorcroft

  1. I teach creative writing in a high school, but I felt like my own writing was getting to be a chore and feeling a bit stale. I'm on Lesson Three now, and I’m finding I’m excited every day to set aside some time for my own writing. The writing just spills out. — Kerry Craven 

  3. The best changes I’ve seen in my writing process since finishing the Story Course: I don’t complain about writing, I don’t fear writing, I have fun writing, and I’m energized by writing. The best thing I can say about it is that I’m happy now every single time I write. — Michelle Flythe 

  5. The Story Course is meeting a deep need that writers have: to create freely enough that they can get really good. So many writers stop themselves because they have super-high standards. Sarah’s program acknowledges your desire to write high-quality stories like the ones she includes in the readings, and she shows you how to gently bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be. — Alison Gresik

  1. I am enjoying the work immensely. It has somehow instilled some crazy confidence that allowed me to say “I’m a writer” out loud just the other day. — Kathy Martens 

  3. I’ve been dealing with writer’s block. Every time I try to write, I feel almost frozen by my self judgments and self doubts. I signed up for this class hoping I will carve my way out of this block. With this class I have bored holes through it and am finding my inner voice again. — V. C Ford 

  5. I have never felt that my works were ready for publication — that they needed something more to help them stand out amongst a sea of mediocre. In Lesson One of the Story Course, I revisited and experimented with freewriting, and I have learned that writing organically might be just what is missing in my own work. I am re-evaluating my writing and allowing the creative drive to take me in different directions. — Julie Martin

Are you ready to change your writing life? Sign up for the Story Course now.


Photo (top): le vy on Pexels

10 new things I’m excited to share with you.
How to keep your writing promises.


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