Courage before confidence: Story Intensive registration is open.

Writing won’t take your fear of writing away. Writing is a choice. You have to choose to write through your resistance and fear.
Courage comes before confidence.
You have to do the scary thing first. Then, growth (and magic!) happens.
I’d be lying if I told you it’s any other way. The good news is that we’ve developed our programs to help make that process a little easier.
The Story Intensive is a holistically intelligent writing program that will train you in all the elements of craft, as well as teach you to elevate your awareness, so you can deal with anxiety, resistance, and other unnecessary suffering to get out of your own way. To move through the resistance a little faster. To get some confidence behind you so that you can remember what it’s like to come out the other side each time. It will teach you how to enjoy writing.
Registration for The Story Intensive is now open.
There are eighty-four spots available this year. We keep our classes small – only seven writers can be in each group – because we want every writer to have a lot of personal attention. There are a lot more than eighty-four people getting this email today, so we expect that the classes will fill quickly. If you know you want to do The Story Intensive this September, we encourage you to enroll right away.
Please don’t wait for confidence to arrive before you make your move.
All you need now is courage.
Click here to enroll in The Story Intensive.
You’ve got this.

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