Trust yourself.


From the moment of commitment nature conspires to help you.
— Bjork, "Cetacea"

Commit. Decide. Do it, and then feel good about making a creative choice. 

You can't know anything for sure. Not if this scene should go ahead of that one, for instance. Or if the story should be first person or third person limited. It's not certain.

It will never be certain until you make a decision about it.

Don't wait until the moment you're certain before you commit to what you're writing. Commit now. Your work is to create something in the midst of uncertainty.

That's precisely why it's so difficult!

When you commit to something, your work will show you what needs to be done. It will help you. But it can't collaborate with you if you haven't decided to work with it yet.

What if you could trust yourself?

What if you decided that the first person point of view was a good one, and then just did it?

Decided that there are two sisters, not three?

Decided that it all takes place in Florida?

Decided that the chapter ends here? And so on.

Give yourself the benefit of the doubt. See what you can get done when you stop second guessing every creative decision you make.

Every book that's been written is the result of trust. There's no secret set of instructions that you missed - it's just a decision.

Commit to it.


Sarah Selecky

Originally published March 2014.

Deep noticing.
How do you write the darkness?



Thank you! Your words were like a cold drink on a hot day, or maybe more appropriately for this frigid winter a steaming cup of comfort. You are a gift! Susan
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I love this, you really spoke to my heart♡ thanks: )
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Stephanie Curry

Hi Sarah, This post was meant for me. I am at a stage now where I am second guessing my decisions. I am confident about what my story is about, but now I am roaming around on how to tell it. Thanks so much for the pep talk, I will just get down to writing it.
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Mary Montanye

How did you know I needed this today ... on so many levels? Thank you!
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Sarah, thank you for sharing this simple, yet profound piece of wisdom. As with all divine messages, your posting came at the perfect time. I'm struggling to commit fully, and wholeheartedly to my own creative projects which involves both writing and filmmaking. But thank you for reminding that I'm not alone and for pointing the way to some clarity and peace of mind. I, too, will trust my creative ventures - trust that my work will show me the way.
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Pamela Wagner

This is exactly the message I needed right now. I commit!
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So true! I find that even if I end up not liking a decision I make I would never have discovered that if I hadn't given something a try first. Thanks for your wise words!
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Dione Goyette

This post was so awesome and timely for me. I have 3 almost adult kids that are struggling with life decisions and found that this advice works well for writers and non-writers. I have transcribed your line: "What if you could trust yourself?" and will print it out and hang it up for all of us to remember. I am also embarking on my first B-School experience thanks to your suggestion. SO excited!! Thanks So Much Sarah!!
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This is great Sarah! 100% agree and this is so important.
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Thank you! Love reading your blogs! When I write, the story has to draw me in, keep me interested. Some fall flat and I don't keep up, but others, I cannot wait to get going on them! These posts are helping me as I write my fourth novel. The topic I'm writing about is facsinating, which is keeping me going, but also my characters and your advise! Thanks again!!
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Dar A

I love this post, thank you. I can see this applying to any type of writing, as well, not only fiction!
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Trinity aka Divinely Inspired

Oh wow - Yes! And I am not (really) a writer, as in I'm not writing a book (yet) BUT i AM a creator and this so totally applies to the creative process in general.... so thank you! From Trinity aka Divinely Inspired (friend of Carmen Spagnola's) xo
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Susan, Your message is my alarm clock, should I press snooze..... I think I will GET UP and write! Thank you
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Sarah Selecky

Thank you everybody!
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This is brilliant, Sarah. Love it. For writing expressives who struggle with perfectionism, I would say this is the most compassionate advice and perspective.
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Reshmy Kurian

Thank you so much Sarah. Exactly what I needed to hear today. 

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Carol Ghesquiere

Sometimes when I ask for writing advice, one person may have a different opinion than I do. Possibly neither of us are right or wrong. She would write it one way, I would write it another. She is expressing how she would write it if it were her story. Her way would find an audience as would mine. It's okay to stick with my way. Sometimes later on I may decide that her way is better and that's okay. I'll only change what I've written when I feel comfortable about it.

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