Surprise birthday sale!

It's my birthday!
I turn 40 years old today. This is a big one.
I'm grateful for so much: I'm strong, healthy, and engaged with my writing. I share a writing studio with beautiful people who inspire me to get dressed up every morning. I work with Ashley, the star who runs this website (she fixes problems before I even know they are problems). There are about 100 people writing their hearts out right now in The Story Intensive — a writing school that is, quite frankly, my dream come true. Ryan is now my business partner AND life AND dance partner. My mama moved back to Canada — and she has a personal trainer getting her ready for our Camino walk next spring. I have three nieces who call me Aunt Sassy and a goddaughter who calls me Fairy Godmother. I learned how to sing this song with one of my best friends this summer. I rode a horse bareback this month.
It's an embarrassment of riches!
I have so much to be thankful for, and at the top of my list is you. Thank you for being here. If you weren't here, reading this, I couldn't be doing the work that I do.
I like to give presents to people on my birthday, and since today is a VERY SPECIAL BIRTHDAY, I'm throwing a surprise sale.
All day today, anyone who buys the Story Course will get $40 off! [Note, this discount is now expired]
Thank you for celebrating with me, and have fun with the Story Course. For best results, please download it with a slice of lemon coconut cake.
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