Restore your spirit.

Wait without thought, for you are not ready for thought: So the darkness shall be the light, and the stillness the dancing. — T.S. Eliot
As I write this, a banditry of chickadees (that’s their plural noun!) is ravaging our bird feeder. They fly back to their little hollows in the trees, storing piles of food for later, because they know they’ll need this nourishment to sustain themselves.
This year has stripped us bare and brought us into our depths. Now we’re in the season of stillness: the time after things have ended, and before things begin.
What has sustained your spirit this year?
It’s a good time to make a list of what nourishes your soul, and make sure you have enough of it.
Here’s my list:
My writing group, and our daily Zoom church
Voxer and Whats App chats with friends
Mary Lattimore on Spotify
The Enneagram
The teachings of Ruth King and Resmaa Menakem
Taking really, really good care of my plants
This podcast with Jonathan Goldstein
Removing the Instagram app from my phone
This beet, oat, and prune smoothie by Anna Jones
Non-linear time
Lemon zest, in everything
Jillian Michaels’ fitness app
The OA (on Netflix)
Canoeing and camping
Paperblanks journals
Talking and listening to trees
Getting reading glasses
Watching and mapping the moon, the stars, and the planets
Tasting and appreciating new varieties of these locally-roasted coffee beans
Cooking with the wild herbs and weeds that grow in my yard
Reading N. K. Jemisin, Naomi Novik, V. E. Schwab, Charlotte Wood, and Nnedi Okorafor
This song by Toni Jones
My word of the year: acceptance
My wish for the new year:
That we have time and permission to feel quiet, even for just one part of every day. That we learn how to accept stillness, so we can rest, release, and restore our spirit. And that we all receive more of what sustains us.
Photo credit (top): Ellen Jantzen, To Time and Life, from
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