A note from the Vice Principal.
As many of you know, Story Is a State of Mind began fifteen years ago in Sarah's living room when a small group of writers gathered to cultivate and develop their craft and writing process. It was a space where writers invited creativity with respect, curiosity, and love. Since that time, Story is a State of Mind has grown to include hundreds of individuals working in living rooms, around kitchen tables, and in quiet writing nooks around the world. It's also expanded from the original course to a suite of three. The fundamental premise hasn't changed, though: the courses aim to holistically serve both the writer and their words.
Last year, Story Is a State of Mind formally became a school — and secured its place as a trustworthy alternative to MFA and other academic programs, to provide writers with mentorship and development opportunities, in a supportive space and community environment.
You can expect a note from Sarah herself with all the beautiful details and a brand new website to inspire your path within the school later this year. As a first step however, I wanted to take the time to introduce myself. As the virtual school walls are built, Sarah has hired me to help her maintain the care and integrity that is at the foundation of all her offerings. I will serve as a key support for Sarah, the teachers, and the students to ensure that everyone has what they need. Although I will most often be working behind the scenes, I encourage you to reach out if you have any questions, concerns or inspirations as you journey through our programs. A few of my former job titles include Computer Programmer, High School Math Teacher, Yoga Studio Owner and Unicorn for Hire. I am also studying at the Gestalt Institute of Toronto to become a psychotherapist.
What I have learned through my winding path of adventures is that in order to thrive and grow from life's inevitable challenges, we require support. Maybe the support we need is time to take a bath, a hug, or the kindness of a friend. Sometimes different parts of us need support. For me, it is often the shy little artist within who craves time to draw in the corner, other times it is the activist in me who desires to fight for a different world. What are the parts within you that need support?
If there is a writer in you, quietly whispering or yelling for some support, one of our courses might be just what you need.
Perhaps you are struggling with resistance and want to know how to get out of your own way and write again.
Or, you're looking to take risks with style and content and want to shift out of old patterns.
Or, you find yourself stuck in uncertainty and you want find a way to allow your words to flow.
Or, you find yourself alone and looking for transformative feedback on your work.
Or, you are your own hardest critic and you are longing for a healthy relationship with your writing.
Or, ... ?
Our upcoming Q&A sessions (details below) will be an excellent way to ask Sarah if The Story Intensive can provide the support you need. She'll be honest, and if the program isn't right for you, perhaps you'll inspire the next offering! Sign up here for our Facebook event or here for our call.
If you can't attend any of these dates and have questions, please feel free to connect with me and I can help coordinate something that works for your schedule!
With enthusiasm,
Vice Principal, Story Is a State of Mind School
[Editor’s note: this post contains information, dates, and links which are no longer relevant. For current offerings, see here.]
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