How I lost my writing, and found it again.


I don't usually do this, but I made you a video newsletter.

There was something I wanted to tell you in person, so I brought my laptop into a quiet room and figured out how to make the built-in camera work.

I'm a private person. This might be surprising, given my website, I know. But the truth is, I am more comfortable asking questions about other people than talking about myself. And I prefer talking to people one at a time. So I felt nervous about sharing this video.

I open up about something I don't talk about very often: how I lost my connection to writing, and how I found my way back to it.

More soon,  

Sarah Selecky

In the Spotlight: Daphne Gordon
Your Summer Fun Kit!


Susan Cruickshank

Into the Fire! Wasn't that a Sarah MacLachlan song? Well a fire is hot and it's scary, but it cooks things, it makes them ready to be consumed. Thank you for getting into your vulnerable place, into the heat of uncertainty. Your courage was nutritious and satisfying. Typically, I can only be brave when I'm full. Susan
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Sarah Selecky

Oh Susan - thank you. xo S
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So truthy! Because true for more than writing, which, as you so cogently point out, is one relationship of the many we juggle. Wanting my jewelry work to measure up to some inchoate external standard stops me cold. It's like mint, it seemed like a good idea when the seed was planted (mmmm, mint juleps...), but it quickly becomes noxiously, and insidiously invasive. It can be rooted out, but takes time, vigilance, and compassion. Sometimes you have to leave a bit of mint in the middle of a favored perennial, because removing it entirely would kill the other plant. Thanks for offering sage Master Gardener advice in the cultivation of art.
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Sarah Selecky

"Sometimes you have to leave a bit of mint in the middle of a favoured perennial, because removing it entirely would kill the other plant." I love the metaphor. It's true, it's true. Sometimes you have to live with it, because it's THERE now. And learning to live and work around the "mint" makes you strong. And, perhaps, nicely-scented.
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Stephen D. Forman

It takes courage to bare yourself, but somewhere in the middle your conviction overtook your vulnerability. It's no wonder-- everything we've seen from you has been created from an enthusiasm for writing. You are a gospel for your own passions : )
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Sarah Selecky

Stephen: thank you. My conviction overtook my shyness! You're right. I can do it when it's something I care about. :)
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Sonia J Revitt

I am just beginning an adventure memoir. Knowing that great writers do lots of rewrites to hone their story makes me feel like I am on the right track going into my 5th rewrite and rearranging the chapters for a better flow. Thanks for your thoughts. Sonia
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